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Are you struggling to produce good content that expresses your ideas in the way that you intend? Have you produced a piece of work but can no longer see the words from the paper? You may not have the time, skills or confidence to publish your own work before an independent third party has had the opportunity to check for any embarrassing grammatical mistakes or stylistic errors. If so, then I can help!   


I offer a fast, reliable and accurate proofreading and editing service for individuals and small businesses for documents prior to publication. I can provide a straightforward proofreading service, where I check the text for grammatical errors and textual inaccuracies, or something more detailed, where I can offer advice on style and textual coherence. Documents can include academic submissions, such as dissertations or doctoral theses, journal articles and other business and scholarly texts. 


For students in particular, dissertations, essays and other assignments often have to be produced under a great deal of time pressure, but in order to achieve top grades, an excellent written style to an exacting format is necessary. These documents benefit enormously from careful proofreading by an independent reader to avoid the pitfalls of bad grammar, spelling, punctuation and referencing that can result in a loss of marks. I would be delighted to help you to perfect your writing to assist you to achieve the grades necessary to succeed.


Let me be your third party and let me help you to achieve the standard of English that will showcase your written material at its very best! 


Contact me using the contact page, or email me at  Please provide your telephone number if you'd like me to call you to discuss your project.  




As well as checking your writing, I can also help to generate content. If you're looking for someone to write your webpage, create a blog or compose correspondence, then contact me at to find out how I can help.  


How I'll feedback


I can provide proofreading feedback in a number of ways:


  1. Proofreading and comments returned electronically with changes tracked.

  2. Formative report advising you about areas it may be helpful to work on, for example, grammar, punctuation, frequently misspelt words etc.

  3. One-to-one meeting for more complex work, or work involving design elements.


1 is provided as standard. I may need to charge extra for 2 and/or 3 if this is a service you require, and this would be on an hourly rate. 


What clients say about my work


"The edits are perfect and the rewording a bonus." (From a website developer)


"Tracey's proofreading service is fantastic! Fair pricing that comes with a super efficient service. I would highly recommend this company." (From a PGCE student seeking help with her assignments)

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