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The Circles of Grammar Hell

Fifth Circle: Meaningless Truisms

Truisms cartoon

“This level is what it is. You be you.*

*Naturally, forced to embrace reality and themselves exactly as they are, souls on this level experience extremely high levels of depression, even for hell.” [1]

By any other name would a rose smell so sweet.

How is it that cats always land on their feet?

If you ask me no questions, I’ll not tell fake news,

But it’s a shame that the beggars don’t get to choose.

Business is business and boys will be boys,

The one who’s the winner has the most (biggest!) toys.

The one who laughs last laughs loudest and best,

He’s followed the money, upped sticks and gone west.

If you live by the sword, you die by it, too.

Don’t fix what ain’t broke, or looks could kill you.

If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen,

If you want to save nine, you’d better get stitchin’.

My dad used to say, ‘look out for the pennies’

They look after themselves and build up to be many.

Stop watching a pot that’s not going to boil

Timing is all, but won’t wait, so don’t toil

O'er the pudding, the proof’s in the eating;

Just remember you’ll never prosper from cheating.

Actions speak louder than words every time,

So if it’s worth doing, do it well, do it fine.

Every bit helps though don’t sweat the small stuff,

A lie becomes truth if you say it enough.

In war, as in love, it’s said all is fair,

Be there or be square. Win, if you dare.

Tales can’t be told by dead men, that is true,

But truisms old and truisms new

Stumble about in speech and in writing

Telling us all what we already knew!

With thanks to for being such a great source of these pithy little sayings!

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