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Molly goes to the cinema and other places of cultural interest

Molly watching gymnastics on the TV

This is me watching the Commonwealth Games gymnastics the other day. I liked it for a while, then it got a bit alarming so I barked at the moving screen and went and sat on my bed.

Hello, Molly Mollster here. What a time of it I’ve been having since I last posted! Most importantly, I am now 14 weeks old and I CAN GO OUT AND ABOUT. Officially! On the pavements! I'm not restricted to Ikea and M&S anymore. What a relief! I’m making the most of it. The Wordsmith can’t keep me in!

Auntie Leanne came to stay after Easter and I LOVED her! She gave me lots of cuddles and sat on the floor and played with me and my toys, which the Wordsmith doesn’t do. Something about ‘her knees’. Mind you it was touch and go whether our visitor would make it or not, because on Easter Monday we all woke up to 4cm of snow. Again. I was so shocked when the back door opened for my morning busy when this pile of the white stuff fell into the kitchen and all over my paws, I turned tail and went back to my bed until I was hoiked out and send into the cold to do my toilet. And Easter Monday was The Day I Was Allowed To Walk On Pavements, and the Wordsmith had so much planned. An amble in the countryside, followed by a leisurely lunch in a country pub, followed by a visit to a craft shop. Instead, we went to the local shops and I wooed them in the Five Rivers Cafe with my canine ways and beguiling eyes. But then when we came out, the white stuff had mostly turned to icy slush and I simply couldn’t put my paws in that as it was knee deep in places as I’m only little, so I shamed the Wordsmith and her sidekick by standing in the doorway shivering and refusing to move until I was picked up and carried most of the way to somewhere called Weston Park Museum. Wow, what a place! There was an exhibition about protesting in Sheffield which was pretty boring for me, but the natural history bit was great, with lots of stuffed animals and a big stuffed wolf. I was even brave enough to have a widdle in front of the polar bear!

I met someone in the museum I’d met on Saturday when the Wordsmith had taken me to the cinema. Yes, it’s true. She’s subjected me already to the crushingly irresistible smells of popcorn and hotdogs. (Well, ok, this being the Showroom, not hotdogs but upmarket popcorn!) We went to see some animated moving pictures which called themselves collectively The Isle of Dogs. The Wordsmith had to take me outside early on cos I needed busy and wouldn’t settle, so did a few barks and nips but it was ok because everyone thought I was part of the soundtrack. I did eventually lie down but not after I’d made a hole in the Wordsmith’s trousers; well, it matches the hole in her red top. She’s yet to try the magic powder from Auntie Tara so I don’t know yet if I’m forgiven.

Anyway, Auntie Leanne arrived the day after Easter Monday, after the Wordsmith had taken me to visit a beauty salon where I lay as good as the gold of my coat under her feet while she had some funny stuff put on her nails. Not long after we got back, Auntie Leanne arrived and we were off out again, this time to accompany the Wordsmith into a doctor’s appointment. It was my first visit to a doctor's surgery and the doctor said I'd made her day. I listened attentively to the conversation about this and that, but am sworn to secrecy on pain of withdrawal of cuddle privileges. She was a nice doctor though, so I think the Wordsmith is in good hands. Afterwards, we went to the pharmacy next door where they already know my name and treat me like royalty and I like to show them my tummy.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park was fantastic and the sun shone which I've not really seen before!

It was really lovely having Auntie Leanne here. We went to Yorkshire Sculpture Park one day where I met lots of dogs, though I’m a bit of a scaredy dog since Archie next door woofed at me when I was trying to say hello one day and made me jump. It was great being on the long lead and being able to get myself a bit muddy but I was very tired coming home in the car. We also went for lots of coffees and lunches and bus journeys and we even went to the pub one evening where all the students in there couldn’t stop cooing over me. But the best part of the whole week was when Auntie Leanne agreed to stay an extra night so that the Wordsmith could go to a friend’s birthday party and not have to worry about me. We had the BEST time playing all evening. It was great having Auntie Leanne all to myself. I miss her since she’s gone back to the New Forest; I scratched at her bedroom door the other day just to check if she was still there, but she didn't come out. I want to go and visit her and Uncle Smokes very soon (I've heard he makes beer; he told me when he came to Sheffield recently to do a joint brew with another brewery here. Auntie Leanne was very jealous that he'd met me first). I’m told, though, that they have a dog living in their house called Bess and I’m not sure yet how I feel about having to share my favourite auntie (and uncle. I'd better say that incase he reads this) with another four-legged creature.

One thing I’m getting very frustrated with is not being able to indulge my love of all things feet without getting in to trouble. I love the Wordsmith’s slippers. Not only are they leopard print, they’re also really soft and great to chew, but every single time I snaffle them as she’s slipped them off to put her outside shoes on, I get followed to my bed and told to LEAVE. A lot. I get fed up of hearing it. Leave, leave, leave. That’s all they say. Same when I sneak upstairs to find – joy of joys – the bedroom door has been left open and I can steal socks. Even better than slippers, especially when they’ve been worn. I managed it twice this morning while the Wordsmith’s attention was on her porridge. I’m afraid I gave her a run for her money when she tried to prise them from my locked jaws. I get the feeling this isn’t allowed; if I steal from my future owner who will be blind or partially sighted at best, they’ll not be able to find anything and I’ll lose my job. At least, that’s what I’ve been told, but if I could, I’d respond by saying I’m only 14 weeks old so give me time!

Mmm, tasty sock!

I got to go to the countryside when Auntie Leanne was here. They took me to a place called Redmires where we went for a lovely walk in the open air with heather and water all around and larks, grouse, lapwings and curlews in the air. I managed better with the long lead this time round, but can’t wait until I can do ‘free running’. I’ve done some in the back garden and I love it, but apparently I’m not allowed to do it anywhere else until I’ve been supervised by the lady from the Guide Dogs association. She came to see us on Thursday to see how the Wordsmith is coping with me. I just lay on my bed whilst they talked and talked, then Jackie came and watched me walk up and down the pavement. When she left, she told the Wordsmith that she should be very pleased with herself as I’m getting on really well and am a lovely little dog. That makes me feel pretty pleased with myself too! People tell the Wordsmith the same thing when she takes me out and she swells up with pride. Sometimes I give a little bark or tug on my lead just to remind her I’m still in charge, like at the Bolehills yesterday where we met lots of other dog walkers who told her how lovely I am. I met Missy the lurcher and other pooches whose names I can’t remember but to be honest, it’s me that matters. Cos I’m special and I’m going to be someone’s eyes for them when I grow up.

This is me in the countryside, taking in the sights and sounds!

Molly the guide dog puppy on her first country walk

Molly the guide dog puppy choosing some doggy treats in the supermarket

I’m hoping to go to my first puppy class next week and can’t wait. I might even get to do some supervised 'free running' (without that wretched blue lead thing - the only chance I get to do that now is in the garden). I’ll tell you all about it in my next blog.

Woof woof for now!

Molly the guide dog puppy in front of some Andrex toilet tissue

This is me in Waitrose choosing some treats to put in the Wordsmith's trolley. I also tried to help choose the toilet tissue but she wouldn't have it and went for another brand. Traitor!

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